CONTEST DATE/TIME - Starts: Tuesdays at 01z. Ends: Tuesdays at 01:59z. (Monday evening in North America). PLEASE NOTE: The first WWSAC will be held Tuesday, May 12th, at 01z.
BANDS AND MODES - 160m, 80m, 40m, 20m, 15m, 10m, and 6m. SSB mode. Suggested frequencies are from the bottom of the general portion of the band (3.8, 7.175, 14.225, 21.275) and expanding upward as necessary.
EXCHANGE - Signal report and age group (OM, YL, Youth YL, or Youth). NOTE: Log "Y" for Youth, and "YYL" for Youth YL.
SCORING - The final score is the total QSO points multiplied by the sum of callsign prefixes worked. Total score = QSO points * sum of callsign prefixes worked.
A contact with an OM is worth 1 point. A contact with a YL is worth 5 points. A contact with a Youth is worth 10 points. A contact with a Youth YL is worth 15 points.
Each callsign prefix worked. (Same multipliers as CQ WPX.)
CATEGORIES - Single Operator - Only one person operates and logs QSOs. Spotting assistance is allowed in all categories.
High power - Total output power must not exceed 1500 watts. Low power - Total output power must not exceed 100 watts. QRP - Total output power must not exceed 5 watts.
Youth overlay - To qualify for this overlay category you must be 26 years old or younger. Youth YL overlay - To qualify for this overlay category you must be a female amateur radio operator 26 years old or younger. YL overlay - To qualify for this overlay category you must be a female amateur radio operator older than 26 years.
AWARDS - Overall cumulative 1-year period score for each of the single operator and single operator overlay categories. These winners will receive plaques. Winners in each of the single operator and single operator overlay categories for each session will be given a downloadable certificate.
GENERAL RULES FOR ALL ENTRANTS - No self spotting or asking to be spotted. No soliciting QSOs through non amateur radio means. Single operators may have no more than one transmitted signal on the air at any given time.
LOGS - Logs must be submitted within 24 hours after the end of the contest. Submit logs here.
JUDGING - The WWSAC Committee is responsible for checking the contest log submissions. Participants are expected to follow the rules and best amateur radio practices to the best of their abilities. Violation of the rules can lead to disqualification by the Committee. The decision of the WWSAC Committee is final.